1999 Medical Observer Pty Ltd Level 2, 100 Bay Road, Waverton NSW 2060
19 February 1999
Dear Editor,
SIMON CHAPMAN TO TAKE HIS OWN MEDICINE On February 19, 1999, the Medical Observer published an article by Simon Chapman, in which he issued a challenge to the anti-vaccination movement in Australia.
My response to his provocative article is as follows:
If vaccines are such a blessing I challenge Simon Chapman to appear on television and allow himself to be injected with all baby vaccines, adjusted to his body weight by a doctor of my choice and in my presence.
The vaccines to be administered to Simon are as follows:
- DtaP: 3 doses within 4 months
- Hib (any conjugates): 3 doses within 4 months
- OPV or IPV: 3 doses within 4 months
- Hep B: 3 doses within 1 month of each other.
The time of the first dose represents month 0. There isn't a better way to demonstrate to us that vaccines are safe and effective than by Simon taking his own medicine.
After every lot of vaccines an independent medical doctor and myself would assess Simon's reactions and the general state of health. Long-term reactions will be followed up for 3 years. If you do not publish my letter and/or Simon does not agree to this easy and safe demonstration, then it will show us all that vaccinators are dishonest and are afraid of their own medicine. In other words: put up or shut up.
I will publicize this proposition and your response on the Internet to ensure that my response to Simon's challenge is widely known. Yours very sincerely,
Viera Scheibner PhD