With a lifetime of stressors still stored in our bodies and energy fields, their impact has produced numerous ailments including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual "dis-ease". Creator has generously provided a remedy for all core issues resulting in all of humanity's maladies. This process combines the QE, ER, EP and Balloon Exercise with Creator's additional radiant energy into a download program to cleanse, rebuild and uplift humanity to a revitalized state of wellness.
Overview of Awakening and Clearing Process
Grounding Exercise Audio
Grounding Exercise Text:
Sit comfortably in a chair or couch with feet on the floor (or do outdoors with feet on the ground). You can be barefoot or keep your shoes on. Read first, then do the grounding with your eyes closed.
Imaging a safe and loving place where you have good memories (the beach, garden, woods, etc. on a warm sunny day). Go there with your eyes closed and barefoot in your imagination. Feel you feet sinking into the sand or ground. Feel the energy of Mother Earth rising up into your feet, legs, torso, arms and head. Connect deeply with Mother Earth and inhale thru your nose, hold, then expel through tight lips slowly a few times (cleansing breath).
Now, ease yourself into your heart-space. Feel yourself grounded and centered as you align with your heart. Take a few more cleansing breaths as you did before. Do this daily upon arising, at bedtime and anytime during the day when you feel out of sorts.