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We are not born with an ego. Ego is a product of darkness initiated by early trauma (physical harm, emotional upset, mental ordeal, suffering, pain, distress, shock, fear, etc.). These initial disturbances establish a foothold for dark entities and energies to manipulate you the rest of your life. It also leaves the door open for future invaders to continue their harmful control of your emotions.
Do you ever wonder why some people are "super sensitive" and overreact to criticism? Others are aggressive, manipulative, dishonest, deceitful, arrogant, mean, cruel, insecure, fearful, heartless, destructive, harsh, paranoid, etc. We see these in politicians, con artists, thieves but it is just as prevalent in acquaintances, friends, husbands, wives and siblings often leading to divorce, rivalries and broken relationships.
We easily see these faults in others and often blame them for our own ego short-comings. All of us have a corrupted ego which now can be easily remedied. As you change for the better, the world around you changes too.
A quick look at world leader/failures will put this in perspective on a scale of 0-10:
0 is no ego, 10 is total ego.
Level 7 |
Level 6 |
Level 5 |
Level 4 |
Level 3 |
Level 2 |
Soros |
Bush Sr |
Hitler |
Fauchi |
K Harris |
Trump |
Mexican Drug Cartel |
Weinstein |
Stalin |
Gates |
Jung-un |
Melania |
Adrenochrome Makers |
Maxwell |
Pelosi-Schumer |
Trudeau |
Hillary |
Putin |
Body Parts Providers |
Obama |
DeNiro |
Jinping |
Human Sacrificers |
Q Elizabeth-Philip-Charles |
Castro |
DeSantis |
K Schwab |
Cabal-Illuminati |
Abbott |
Coumo-de Blasio |
R Paul |
Biden |
J Jordan |
Newsome |
Macron |
Princess Di |
Epstein |
P. Francis |
Big Pharma |
A Jones |
MSM-Social Media |
RFK Jr. |
T Cruz |
John Roberts |
Bush Jr. |
Planned Parenthood |
MS-13 |
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