Every bump, cut, accident, bruise, pain, assault you have EVER EXPERIENCED has invited in huge numbers of "nasties" INTO YOU and they are holding onto your TRAUMAS!
Your body does not know how to resolve these traumas from birth, pre-teen, teen and throughout your adult life. Every event that caused you pain is still in you creating an ever growing mountain of stress on you. Drugs don't work and create even more toxic stress. Talking about them doesn't help (we've all tried this)! Meditation, prayer and exercise can give temporary relief, but the pain always returns.
Every day adds to the list of trauma insults accumulating "nasties" into the millions, billions and beyond. These imbedded "nasties" are harmfully trapped within, on and around you that weigh you down, sap your energy and emotionally drain you. They can precipitate physical ailments, depression, irritability and a negative outlook on life.
TRAUMA REMOVAL of the "nasties" addresses the underlying multitudes from a lifetime of traumas. TRAUMA REMOVAL addresses and removes the root of all these invaders allowing your body to process and heal a lifetime of hurts providing improved physical, mental and emotional health and putting a smile in your heart.
Disclaimer: All techniques, products, and data are for educational and experimental purposes only. The FDA has not approved/evaluated these tools, resources, recommendations, and/or aids. All products, procedures, and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent, and/or cure any disease. None of these products, procedures, and information replaces or substitutes for the advice of a health care practitioner.